Ready To Finish Your Degree? 3 Reasons Online Classes May Be A Perfect Fit For You

If your plans of finishing college got interrupted by life, it's time to head back. It's never too late to go back to college, especially if you choose an online program. With online classes, you have the benefit of finishing your education without interfering with your daily schedule. Here are three reasons why online classes may be just what you need to complete your college degree. Learn When It Suits You [Read More]

3 Reasons Why You Should Send Your Teen To Driving School

Turning 16 is a rite of passage for many teens. The ability to get your driver's license and maybe your first car can serve as the first real shot at independence for many young adults. Still, the process of actually learning how to drive can be difficult for both teens and their parents. Here are three reasons why you might want to consider sending your teen to driving school instead of teaching them yourself. [Read More]

Is Your High School Teen Against College? Other Potential Career Opportunities To Explore With Them

If your teen has already expressed that they don't want to go to a 4-year university, and you don't think it's in the budget, there are other post-secondary education options you can look into. Having any type of post-secondary education degree after high school will open their career options and allow them to make more money throughout their lifetime, but finding the right field for them will be important. There are many training options and programs for teens coming out of high school that allow them to find a job specialty without requiring multiple years of studying. [Read More]

Helping Your Dyslexic Child Succeed In School And College

When you have a child who is dyslexic, every school day can seem like a major struggle for them and for you. Many children with dyslexia not only have trouble in school but also find themselves falling further and further behind as the years progress. However, there are ways to combat this problem with your child so that they can be successful in both their childhood education and even in college and beyond. [Read More]